Looking for a host for a free Shabbat meal ( with or without accommodation) or a invitation to a free Pesach seder near you.( or in other 123 countries)?Whatever Movement of Judaism you follow , Secular, Traditional to Modern Orthodox Machmir ,Chabad, Haradi or Hassid ....Join http://www.shabbat.com/ ( it is completely free) for free Shabbat meals and hey its not too late to join http://www.seder.com to find a Pesach seder host( completely free)
Shabbat.com has been endorsed by both Chief Rabbi "s of Israel David Lau and Yitschak Yosef Israel)+ Rafi Peretz ( previous IDF Chief Rabbi) , Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis ( Great Britain), Chief Rabbi Haim Korsia ( France) and Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein ( South Africa) . Shabbat.com is not a commercial site and absolutely everything is completely free with no hidden charges . Shabbat.com matches Hosts with Guests for Shabbos and Chaggim Meals and because this service appeals most to singles ( as guests) there is also a dating ( matching module) . In Israel there are just over 3000 singles with dating profiles. The Dating ( Matching) module differs from other Jewish equivalents in that their is no anonymity , no silly lists that need to be completed , you write you own narrative and what you are looking for in your Match and Basheret and do your own matchmaking. Hosting Guests for Shabbat and Chaggim is a Mitzvah ....obviously for free . Matchmaking is a Jewish profession as old as time in memorial.... also a Mitzvah.... the Yenta in Fiddler on the Roof in the 21st Century has been replaced by Social Media ..... you can do your own matchmaking on Shabbat.com orR use or use Yenta,a Shmenta ( a modern day Yenta) Aunt, Sister, Best Friend or nagging Mom .Get them all to join and may the Chuppah be with You ( soon) with apologies to George Lucas.
Shabbat.com is the largest Jewish Social Media Patform in the world. It resembles Facebook in many ways. No advertising. No membership charges . 243,765 members in 122 countries , as of right now . 72% are singles .67% have dating files with pictures . Join Shabbat.com and find your George Cooney with payot . Your Bar Refaeli who wants to cover her hair and wear skirts .or perhaps both without their religious statement. Shabbat,com caters for all different degrees of religious adherence from in the process of conversion, Secular, Traditional,Conservadox to National Religious ,Haradi, Chabadnik and Hassidi כמובן אפשר להירשם בעברית http://www.shabbat.com
another free Jewish Matching site worth join is http://yamsuf.com/ ( it is also free) with over 51 shadchannim , matchmakers .... obviously for traditional to hasidic orientated people and not at really all for secular Jews
and hey I am looking for (seriously) my basheret 2.0 in her late thirties , forties and maybe early 50's for another go at that big M (chuppah+ kids or and puppies to raise together ) Check out my own dating profile, investment portfolio and financial disclose to ROR ( for your two barrel shotgun dad/ brother) and MI6,CIA, FBI, Mossad, Shin Bet files ( for that suspicious best friend/ and my family heritage from Poland, Latvia, Lithuania South Africa and Zion (for your Bobbie/Yiddisha Mama ) . 72 references are also attached ....including 67 related to performance in bed . Yes , I am witty and wise, flirty and funny , self effacing and have a huge internet footprint that I cannot now escape ...... http://www.shabbat.com/profile/dating/stephen.darori/
.......and hey if you reached this final line of my post ( I am the pro bono publicist of shabbat.com) .... do share it ..
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