What Men Crave from Women and Relationships. The flip side of the coin seldom looked at in Jewish Matchmaker.....this is kind of personal and may be controversial. what do you think. Come on engage in debate .
Are you a single woman who has kissed umpteen toads but not yet landed the Prince? Or are you just holding on to something that was never meant to be? If you want to know what makes a man fall for a woman and willing to walk her down the aisle, read on...
1. A woman with her own life:Ladies, please note that he doesn't want someone clingy. If you are one person who has her own set of friends and can hang out by yourself, you are closer to hitting the jackpot. Men like women with careers in progress both before marriage and especially after marriage. The 'homemaker' is an archaic profession as is the 'child raiser' . 21st century men who live in the 21st century want full participation in child rearing.
2. No first move . Hell no not always in fact simply Hell No : OK, so is it ladies first or do men get be gentlemen and ask the lady out? Some guys likes a woman who never makes the first move and wants to decide how he's going to woo you serenade you - so be a lady and let him! Definitely not always especially with Social Media at a Women's disposal..... she should have initiate , be bold and engage first, " Hi Stephen, saw your profile on Shabbat.com" and liked, loved and laughed at your humour ( if you are 30 + willing and wanting... Join Shabbat.com and hey I am there under my real name is Stephen Darori)..... No first move. Absolutely Hey Ho NO... Women should engage first ... social media is exists for just that, ....to be honest, most men as individuals are basically shy and would rather check you out than be bold to invite you out.
3. Love's in the air: Does your heart beat faster when you see him? Does his voice make you want to see him? While some may experience these, others may feel a sense of comfort and security when with him. This makes for a good foundation to take the relation ship. Hey Ho Fact.... men seek love and romance just as much as woman. That really should be surprising. They want to be romantic and want women to respond and love and engage and respond positively ( even if they aren't so good at it.... don't be critical but positively suggestive and encouraging)
4. Show you care: Someone said don't sweat the small stuff. But in a new relationship you definitely need to! Doing little things to show to him that you care will make his heart grow fonder.
5. Always Dress Nice and even Sexy yes, slutty no: Don't indulge in PDA right off the bat - you are likely to scare him off! Men like to take it slow and prefer being nonsexual but flirty in the initial stages of the relationship.
6. Wait for sex, even cuddling and gaffooffeling (South African for playing around with each other without going the full distance) : Men do not want to to jump into bed on your first date. This is a fallacy , absurd silly and rediculous when the goal is a relationship. Sex can effectively and almost always ruins what could otherwise be a beautiful relationship. Both of you may end up having very little in common other than sex. So wait a while before you seal the deal.
7. No-nonsense: A man wants a woman he can respect. If he knows he can't get away with anything, he's likely not to go down that path. So he believes a women should neither
8. Be his buddy, sounding board, alto ego and waterproof shoulder to cry on : Make him feel good in front of his friends and important people. Don't laugh at him but with him.
10. Good attracts good: If he is well-mannered and gentlemanly, then you have scored a 100! As dating experts say, "Good manners are a sign of what kind of man he is." Ensure that you have similar values and he's dependable and truthful and thats what you want and surprise, surprise that is exactly what he wants as well. .... well mannered , feminine and eloquence that doesn't use four letter $@^%$@# instead of adjectives or nouns or adverbs or anything.Swearing isn't feminine or even that of a feminist.. Period.. If he does not smoke. Give it up or move on to someone else. Men hate kissing astrays even more than they hate 4 7 11 cheap perfumed women who would be better to simply shower more often and once again ditto for men.
11. and a bonus from personal experience . Stay out of my kitchen and wineseller. The greatest chefs in the world are all men. I had the misfortune to once be married to an amicable nogschlepper delux who burned water and put sugar in Cabernet Savignon and White Wine....a shomer hazair kibbutznik through and through. Mom's are always right and hey on my x should have listened to her and addressed her leading question, Is she really the one?" She od also placed more reliance on my GPS .... we were literally Poles apart.If women start in a different time zone they should quickly locate and get their scheduling in step with her man .

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